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Group Crit: presenting this term's work

So, yesterday we spent most of the day having a group crit, i.e. each of us had to do a presentation on the work we've done so far since the beginning of the year and where we were hoping this will lead us to. Well, what a totally diverse lot of work and approaches there are. Very impressive! If everybody sticks with the course, adding our two re-joiners, the fourteen of us will be having a great show at the end of our MA.

Unfortunately the presentations took a lot longer than scheduled and people had to leave before the end. So, by the time it was my turn more than have had gone. It is strange how one looses track of time when one is talking infant of other people. I really didn't want to take as long as I did. However, I had done a lot a work this term and it takes time to try put it into some form of narrative. Here is just an example of the number of glazed pinch pots I've made this term and I have another eight other pinch pots in different pre-glazed stages:

Still, I wish I'd been able to keep it shorter but I was tired and just not sharp enough to be able to condense it. Sorry. It was a shame that there wasn't much discussion about my work afterwards. I would have liked to have a bit of feedback from my fellow students. Maybe next time.

Following me was Natasha. Of all my co-students her work has the most cross over with mine. Natasha is also really interested in surface design and with her degree in graphics is creating quite extraordinarily beautiful and detailed pieces. She is the one who introduced me to the joys of design liners. Thanks. Here is the selection of pots she decided to present to us. I'm really looking forward to seeing how she develops further. I really like her urban designs and her Japanese style landscapes.

Natasha's pots

Natasha's work above and below.

Natasha's pots

Anyway, here links to a copy of my statement about my work and a copy of my powerpoint presentation:

My powerpoint presentation
Statement of Intent 12 May 2017

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